What about the planet?

"Our" planet Earth has been there a long time ago before the living creatures of the Nature appear on it.
Is necessary to preserve and protect our house, the planet and all the known Nature processes and creatures. If we fail there are a lot of possibilities to affect the Nature in a way that we really don't understand and could suppose a lot of problems including the extinguishing of some of the Nature processes or creatures.
Read this file for more information.

lunes, 1 de febrero de 2016

Water filtered using graphene

New method based in graphene membranes is more effective to remove contaminants from water...

Mi says that membranes made from graphene or graphene oxide can more effectively remove wastewater contaminants—including pharmaceuticals, pathogens and endocrine disruptors—than current methods and can be applied to wastewater reuse, water desalinization and storm water treatment.
The longstanding problem with graphene oxide membranes has been that adding oxygen makes graphene more likely to dissolve in water.
But when Mi was able to adhere a chemical to the sheets of graphene oxide to "glue" them together, the membrane stayed intact in water. The results of that breakthrough were published in a 2013 academic journal.


Using graphene to filter water