What about the planet?

"Our" planet Earth has been there a long time ago before the living creatures of the Nature appear on it.
Is necessary to preserve and protect our house, the planet and all the known Nature processes and creatures. If we fail there are a lot of possibilities to affect the Nature in a way that we really don't understand and could suppose a lot of problems including the extinguishing of some of the Nature processes or creatures.
Read this file for more information.

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Solar power for provide drinking water

MIT researchers have found a new method that uses solar power to remove salt from water.

The water is one of the most important elements in the "Blue" planet but for human food purposes it is necessary to remove the salt.


MIT Invention Turns Salt Water Into Drinking Water Using Solar Power | Popular Science
Securing Water for Food: A Grand Challenge for Development Announces Winners of the Desal Prize | Press Release | U.S. Agency for International Development

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