What about the planet?

"Our" planet Earth has been there a long time ago before the living creatures of the Nature appear on it.
Is necessary to preserve and protect our house, the planet and all the known Nature processes and creatures. If we fail there are a lot of possibilities to affect the Nature in a way that we really don't understand and could suppose a lot of problems including the extinguishing of some of the Nature processes or creatures.
Read this file for more information.

lunes, 6 de octubre de 2014

sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014


Another type of zoo...

Asmterdam has created a new museum-zoo of microbes.


Home - Micropia

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

The "group selection" is natural...

The local adaptation in natural populations should be controlled usign biological mechanisms like "group selection".


Spiders: Survival of the fittest group -- ScienceDaily

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

Design and hack synthetic biology

Make fun programming bacteria DNA.
Accessible biotech allows biology education and practice to the community.


Synthetic biology

martes, 19 de agosto de 2014


The humans are changing the planet... and of course the humans have a "tag" for this "situation".

"You will not know when are you making history... until your are history"


Humanity's Legacy May Be The Miles Of Holes We've Dug - Business Insider

jueves, 9 de enero de 2014

The morphology of DNA

The spatial organization of chromatin within metaphase chromosomes is a fundamental question for biology.

The research has more information about the dimensions and the structure of chromosomes.


The energy components of stacked chromatin layers explain the morphology, dimensions and mechanical properties of metaphase chromosomes | Journal of The Royal Society Interface